Grade 3B

Mirela Hot

Dear Parents and guardians,

Grade 3B have made an excellent start to the year. We are hoping that 2017 will be another great journey filled with many fantastic memories.

This term students are writing narratives in Literacy. While in Numeracy, students are currently learning about time and angles; then we will be moving onto bar/picture graphs and venn diagrams. Students are also learning about hygiene, nutrition,safety and being sunsmart in Integrated Studies.

The Grade Threes have participated in a basic first aid course. St John’s Ambulance came out to introduce students to basic first aid and what they should do in emergencies.

Grade Three students also made gourmet pizzas from scratch. They followed a recipe, created their own dough and created their own toppings. This activity was a wonderful experience; the students had such a great time.

This term we will also be visiting the Royal Botanical Gardens, where we will attend Ian Potter’s Childrens’ Garden and students will enhance their learning about their environment and safety.

Important Imformation

The homework routine for Grade Three is as follows:

Reader – Students to read nightly
Maths Mentals - one unit per week - (Given out on Fridays - due on Mondays)
Homework booklet - (Given out on Monday due on Fridays)
Mathletics - (tasks are set on Mondays - due the following Monday, Week- 8).
Reading Eggspress – online reading program, (one quiz per week)

I am looking forward to meeting you all during our Term Two parent teacher interviews.

If you have any questions or queries feel free to contact me via email or arrange an appointment with the office to see me.

Kind Regards,

Ms Mirela Hot